Her heart aches , her mind cried , 

ain’t no teary eyes,

instead is the bright little smile.


Screams within turned louder and louder,

Hidden behind those innocent eyes.


Each passing day led to the cave,

Cave of darkness and terror.


Step by step they all left,

Of whose footprints made a mark.


Those footprints she carved in her heart,

Forever and forever these will remain.


Silence all along, 

Just a reflection throughout,

Nothing more and nothing less,

Until comes the dusk of this all.


– Malavika Nandakumar

Journey Late At Night…..


They all passed by and none stopped,
not even to stop and ask her.

She needed help but none turned back. ,
walking all alone on that cold breezy night,
she was startled by how lonely and silent that path now was.

The wind whispered “Are you ok”,
her eyes answered with droplets.

She is on the right road,
a lonely, terrifying path it was.
The path that described her life.

The dark night didn’t terrify,
she was the moon, lost in between the shining stars.

The vast sky made the moon even more alone.
It was misty outside but mistier inside her.

She walked forward and forward,
Nothing in hand, nothing in mind.

Blindly losing sight,
her inner vision turned black,
nothing grey and nothing white.

A new dawn to arise,
A ray of light to be found,
she held onto herself to survive the night and
To discover the path ahead.



By Malavika Nandakumar




Life goes on with a usual routine .Maya too was on with her day following her usual routine ,the same boring one. She was a girl with a lot of clarity, she knew what her life was and what she wanted from life . She rarely turned back to look at her past , however presesnt was she adjusted but she did care about her future. Maya means magic but Maya had no belief in the magic of life but she never lost hope too. Her black and white life failed to amuse her but the words in those books she used to read always amused her but some did fail to convince her at timeso .Never the less she still enjoyed spending time with those chapters , pages and words . Still certain writings have often raised questions in her mind, she found some poetic lines like an unfulfullfilled dream or unreachable desire.

A beautiful wednesday morning it was but Maya finds it a boring sunny morning and so she decided to read and raise some more questions in her mind .”A Thing Of Beauty” by the famous romantic poet John Keats is what she decided to read , her favourite piece of writing . ” A Thing Of Beauty” is a poem about how nature and its wonder mesmerized the poet and takes away all the sorrows tht surrounded from time to time . Maya never understood the true meaning of this piece , this one was like a hidden mystery for her as she couldnt agree to the lines of the poem . She always wondered as to in what circumstances the poet must have written this. Can it really happen ? Can someone or something really take away or reduce your sorrows ? Is nature some powerful spirit to take away sorrows ? Whats that great and beautiful about nature ? , These are some coomon questions that raised in her mind in addition to these they were much more. Even though she found it weird and had lot of questions in her mind, she liked the thought of such possibility. Lost in the world of music and the poetic lines of “A Thing Of Beauty” , Maya forgets how time passes by…..

10 Days have passed and here starts a beautiful saturday , Maya smiles enjoying the rays of sunlight , the chirping of birds seemed like melody to her , the greenery created a spark in her heart and the fresh breeze felt like a sweet fragrance . Maya has changed , she now understands the lines of her favourite poems, she now believes in the magic of life , she now believes in beauty . For her beauty lies in anything and everything that pleases her eyes, in anything and everything that gives her joy. She finds beauty in the rising sun , the song of birds , the whisper of winds , the shining stars , the clear sky that hugs her and much more . Everywhere she looks the complex magic of nature blazes before her eyes. Maya started to treasure these moments that brought a smile on her face . Time is like a flowing river , no water passes beneath your feet twice , much like the river , moments never pass by you again and so Maya has learned to cherish every moment that life gives her.

What has happened to Maya is what all wonders. Has she gone mad wonders some others but the reality is she is perfectly fine, this girl who ones failed to understand the beauty of many things started loving her life so much that she finds everything around her beautiful .What has happened in these 10 Days is what your wondering right ? Maya met someone , just like the unseasonal rains a person stepped into her life like a hand of hope . The words she one read and had many questions about , she now understood the deep meaning of it through her life all because of that person . Just like the fantasy’s we heard when we were young ,this girls life is now a fantasy .That someone not only changed her life but also brought a meaning to it . She loved herself much more than before , she loved everything around her and most importantly she loved the presence of her special ones…

In life people come and go , each chapter of life has certain twists and turns but there will be that one chapter in everyone’s life that changes life completely . It changes to such an extent that even in negativity you find positivity . Maya’s life has definitely changed , life has started shining bright . Life is truly amazing and beautiful because of this hand of hope. This girl expected a pop of colour but life blessed her with rainbow.

A piece of gift to that special person who is my motivation and inspiration .

– Malavika Nandakumar

Enlightening With Peace

Neither all men are RIGHT nor all women. Some people are just very brutal that they have forgotten the act of “HUMANITY”. In today’s society very few understand the pain and sorrows of others whereas the rest just think about their benefits and gain . But one thing we often forget is we get the result of what we do and such people do learn their lessons a day and maybe that one day you will regret , regret very badly that no one will be there by your side . So lets not take the society and the future world to such a level .Each and every person can bring about a change . Change in what you think , changing what others think and having a better world to live in .One day we all know that we will leave this world , the only difference is that some leave early .Once we all finish the duties that are asigned to us by God then we all leave . What is the one thing you will take with you when you leave this world? Infact nothing. We take nothing with us when leaving this world, not even our body. We just take our soul and lets not fill our soul with negativity and hatred .Lets learn to live by spreading LOVE & HAPPINESS and cherish all beautifull memories. After all Memories are timeless treasures of the heart.So Lets all join hands stay happy , make others happy and share LOVE , HAPPINESS & PEACE.

Keep smiling and make others smile ….

Malavika Nandakumar

When the butterfly forgets to fly …..

This butterfly I knew used to fly with extreme pleasure. She was fearless , she used to dream high in fact very high but I guess she has forgotten to dream now , I wonder will she ever dream high again . She smiles but earlier that smile had a meaning but now also she smiles , but it’s not easy like earlier . She is having a tough time smiling. Oh God this butterfly is living on hopes , please don’t let her hope destroy her dreams .
Now she has just forgotten to fly but the day her hopes and expectations comes to an end , the meaning of her life will change once and for all . The butterfly will loose its happiness .

Hope her life get its colours back nd hope she can once again spread happiness and smile whole heartedly.

Malavika Nandakumar

Let Fear not Conquer 

No one in this world lives without fear . Some has it till the crucial stage to the extent of affecting their life in a great manner where as the others over comes it and moves on with the flow of life .One has to overcome these fears and enjoy what they are doing in order to have a satisfied peaceful life .Fear is an emotion expressed in many ways .Some expresses it through tears , some with temper and anxiety issues and some with silence. When fear overcomes us why do we only concentrate on that particular matter that we fear of instead why don’t we just divert our mind . This world is huge and so there are millions and trillions of topics to be thought of instead of your stupid fear .Try to say to your fears that you don’t have much time for them and you have better things to bother about .A long life is waiting ahead smiling at you and waiting for you to hold its hands and move on with positivity and smile.Do not allow your fear to rule you .Be your minds Boss and terminate your fears as much possible.

Let’s live a fearless life of peace and happiness 

She who’s dreams are shattered …

The morning Sun rays kissed her cheeks making her feel nature’s love and warmth.

What a lovely morning , she thought for herself, but poor did she know wat the day awaited her .

She being a cheerful , bubbly girl got ready all excited for the long day ahead.

She stepped out of her house for her first day at work . She was ready to face the world with heads high.

From the middle of a swimming pool now she has been moved to middle of an ocean but still nothing stopped her from being the person she is and achieving the heights she wanted.

But later on that day she did not return , no one knew where she was and then came a call ” YOUR DAUGHTER HAS BEEN RAPED”.

Her parents rushed to the hospital and  with great sorrow , broken heart and teary eyes they saw their baby girl lie in the hospital bed with wounded body and shattered dreams.

Their cheerful , bubbly girl who had lots of dreams now feared the touch of the sun and the stare of the moon terrorised her. The noise of people talking was her nightmare and she spend every second shedding tears .

She cried in pain which only her parents heard , they could see their baby girls twinkling eyes now filled with tears having no hope for anything and this broke their world.

Seeing her parents depressed she couldn’t sleep , she couldn’t smile , she didn’t even feel like opening her eyes. She wished her eyes were shut forever but she decided to fight .

She being a strong , fearless women decided to fight for herself , she decided to let people know that her world is not yet finished. She decided to live the life she always dreamt of . She decided no one can stop her from being the person she wants to be .

She chose to be bold and face the world, she learned that the key to her life’s happiness will always be with her but the wounds caused will remain forever …………

